Asking for Help

If anything in this confuses you or feels intimidating please, please reach out to someone.

If you are in a position to, make use of your teacher. That is what they are there for.

If you are not, on every page there is a button in the top right corner which you can click to ask a question.

When you do, keep in mind these basic rules.

1. You get what you pay for

Often the people willing to help you will be volunteers.

Do not expect them to do your assignments for you, do not expect them to be available at a moments notice, and accept that they are under no obligation to help anyone or you in particular.

2. Ask early

If you are struggling with something and you have a deadline in 5 hours, that might not be enough time to do anything.

Asking questions well before a deadline is best for all those involved.

3. Don't Ask to Ask

Don't ask to ask, nor only say hello, just ask your actual question right away.

Consult for what that means exactly.